City Programs

City of Fall River
First Time Homebuyer Down Payment & Closing Cost Assistance Program: Assistance of up to $10,000 is available. The property must be located in Fall River. Applicants must meet income eligibility requirements and be credit worthy.
Follow this link for program details. >>>
Investor Rehabilitation Program: Provides assistance to investors wishing to rehabilitate and/or de-lead properties that they own in Fall River. The primary goal of the program is to promote safe, lead-free affordable housing for income eligible residents.
Homeowner Rehabilitation Program: Assistance is available to homeowners wishing to rehabilitate and/or de-lead their primary residence. Applicants must meet income eligibility and other program requirements.
Please contact the Community Development Agency at 508.679.0131 for more information and complete details about these programs.

City of New Bedford
“Neighborhoods First” First Time Homebuyer Program: A HOME funded program that offers 5% of the home’s purchase price (up to a maximum of $10,000.00) for Down Payment and Closing Cost assistance and up to $40,000.00 in Rehabilitation assistance to income eligible* First Time Homebuyers purchasing a home.
Financial Assistance Program: This low interest loan program is available to help homeowners* perform repairs and/or de-lead their homes. A grant of up to $2,500.00 is also available.
Rental Rehabilitation Program: This low interest loan program is available to investor owners to rehabilitate rental properties occupied by low and moderate income
tenants *.
Housing Accessibility Program: A $7,500.00 grant program to help make homes accessible for applicants with physical disabilities.
Lead Paint Program: Grant and loan programs available to homeowners and investor-owners to remove lead paint from homes located in New Bedford.
*All applicants must meet HUD income requirements and underwriting criteria.
For more information and details: Please contact the New Bedford Office of Housing and Community Development at 508-979-1500. TTY: 508-979-1661 or visit our website at: